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In September 2007 the Members  blackmortem and Magnus Hellhound decide to gives life a Project , Evilspell, Thamuz assumed a few months after BATTERY test and in June 2009 lo First Show of the band in Sao Paulo in a pub, staying active not second half of 2009 with several shows in Sao Paulo and in the Greater ABC region.
   In early 2010, a band decides to change his name for  SPIRITUAL Hate Had Fact Exist Another band with same name. The trio remained firm in his convictions suffering some changes in the bass position, this period the band Was Busy Recording Your first ep, when there is no end of the first half of 2011 Lord Emperor Blasphemous take the stand
  The ep THEN turned hum split What is called Agony in Profundis abyss released For Impaled records in April 2012 along with a black metal band Immortal Persephone, the big southern river. The material of the band was worshiped any underground True, being recognized Immediate For lovers of the black arts, So Well Accepted abroad! Launched in ukraine, For (depresive illusion records) and Thailand (records the glory) with a new cover que symbolizes the prelude Invasion Earth where all mortals perish before a Luciferian virtue, Spiritual hatred keeps firm in His convictions YOUR imposing anti-Christian View, anti-alienation, introspectiveness and Support total of the Apocalypse this earth. and composing New Songbook contribiur with an invasion of Lucifer is his legion in the world of hypocrites and false servants of God !!!!!!!

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